Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council
January 25, 2018 minutes
Capital Newspapers Auditorium
- Call
to order: The meeting was
called to order at 2:06 p.m. In attendance were Bill Lueders, April Rockstead
Barker, Christa Westerberg, Beth Bennett (by phone), Ivan Moreno, Bob Drechsel,
Tom Kamenick, Jason Joyce, Andy Hall, Sean Dwyer, Doug Wojcik, Kyle Geissler, Tom
Bier, Orville Seymer, Jonathan Anderson, Mark Pitsch, Bob Dreps, Steve Lovejoy,
John Foust, Dave Haynes, Aaron Dumas, Dustin Brown and Paul Ferguson.
- Minutes: Minutes from the Oct. 26, 2017 meeting
were approved with the following changes: The first sentence of No. 10 states:
“Michael King expressed concern about FAA rule PAR 107, which can restrict
when, where and how drone flying for news photographer can occur.” The text
“PAR 107” should say “Part 107.” The sentence also should be changed to reflect
the fact that this rule generally covers flying for commercial use and is not
specific to news organizations. Lueders asked Foust to update the minutes and
then post them on the website.
- Treasurer’s
report: Drechsel
reported that Foust attended the 2017 NFOIC conference in Nashville. The
Council incurred a $1,700 expense by helping pay for an amicus brief in MTI v. Scott. Dues and donation season
is upon us. In addition to contributions from sponsors of members, Lueders said
the Council would ask for a voluntary contribution from non-sponsored members.
- President’s report: Lueders reported that he and Westerberg would present at a Wisconsin Broadcasters Association event on Feb. 24. Sunshine Week is March 11-18; Lueders asked that members spread the word and come up with ways to recognize it. The Council will release the Opee awards the week before Sunshine Week. The Watchdog Awards will be held April 19 at the Madison Club; Andy Hall said the awards would be preceded by a workshop possibly with a session for advanced journalists. Council elections, which occur every other April, will be held during the April 2018 meeting; Dave Zweifel will run the elections. Lueders said this is the Council’s 40th anniversary year and we should do something for it. He suggested creating a planning committee and having an event with speakers. Those who will help plan: Westerberg, Andy Hall, Seymer and Lueders.
- Legislative news:
- Lueders reported that he is not aware of anything else happening with WCCA Oversight Committee recommendations. The committee voted to limit the amount of time that information about dismissed cases, both criminal and civil, would appear online.
- AB 351 would
restrict access to police body camera videos. Newspapers from around the state
published good editorials about it. Lueders is not sure whether this will move
- AB 448 would have
required JFC motions be posted at least 48 hours in advance.
- SB 612 would require WCCA to include a searchable database for looking for judges, charges and outcomes. Lueders said the director of state courts office is concerned about the logistics for doing this.
- AB 448 would have
required JFC motions be posted at least 48 hours in advance.
- SB 611 would
require DOJ to track information on crimes committed with a firearm, motor
vehicle theft and marijuana-related offenses. DOJ raised some concerns but is
not against it.
- AB 548 would
require the files of wrongful convictions be sealed as a matter of course and
can only be opened by court order. Lueders said this turns the presumption of
openness on its head and also removes info from WCCA. Passed committed on 11-0
vote on Jan. 5. Referred to JFC.
- Bennett gave an
update on various pieces of legislation.
- AB 548 would
require the files of wrongful convictions be sealed as a matter of course and
can only be opened by court order. Lueders said this turns the presumption of
openness on its head and also removes info from WCCA. Passed committed on 11-0
vote on Jan. 5. Referred to JFC.
- Legal
- The Wisconsin
Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Madison
Teachers v. WERC, which the Council filed an amicus brief in along with WNA
and WBA. Brown gave an overview on the facts and legal questions at issue in
the case. Bier said he attended oral arguments and thought the union would have
a challenge convincing a majority of the justices. Lueders said the most
troubling outcome would be if the case affirms the notion that a record
custodian in the balancing test can and should consider the motives of the
requester and even the worst possible way a record can be used. Barker said the
case could weaken the public record law’s exceptional standard. Lueders added
that there is concern about recovery of attorney’s fees because the records in
this case were ultimately provided; Brown said the tenor of oral arguments
suggests that may not happen.
- There’s an
unpublished Court of Appeals decision involving a town accused of violating the
open meetings law.
- The Court of
Appeals is considering Hagen v. Board of
Regents, a case involving a UW-Oshkosh professor suing to block release of
records about an investigation into him. Westerberg and Dumas are representing
a student journalist who requested the records. Case is on an expedited
- Flynn v. Kemper Center is before Court of Appeals. The
plaintiffs argue that a tax-supported entity is subject to the public records
law. The plaintiff asked the Council for amicus assistance. Westerberg said the
case could narrow the definition of a quasi-governmental corporation from Beaver Dam.
- Lueders v. Krug: Dane County Circuit Court rules in
favor of Lueders in lawsuit against state Rep. Scott Krug over access to emails
in electronic format. Foust is interested in writing about this opinion for a
YRTK column. Unknown as to whether Krug will appeal. Kamenick said he was not
thrilled with judge saying a requester has to explain why he or she needs a
record in a particular format.
- The Wisconsin
Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Madison
Teachers v. WERC, which the Council filed an amicus brief in along with WNA
and WBA. Brown gave an overview on the facts and legal questions at issue in
the case. Bier said he attended oral arguments and thought the union would have
a challenge convincing a majority of the justices. Lueders said the most
troubling outcome would be if the case affirms the notion that a record
custodian in the balancing test can and should consider the motives of the
requester and even the worst possible way a record can be used. Barker said the
case could weaken the public record law’s exceptional standard. Lueders added
that there is concern about recovery of attorney’s fees because the records in
this case were ultimately provided; Brown said the tenor of oral arguments
suggests that may not happen.
- Issues
for discussion:
- The Council
talked about the Legislature’s refusal to release records of investigations
into sexual harassment complaints. Lueders said some victims might want the
complaints released so action is taken to address the problem.
- Council members
discussed delays in processing records requests, which Lueders said is
especially problematic. There is little clarity in the law about how long is
too long. Dreps said the law allows judges to impose punitive damages for
egregious delays.
- Lueders reviewed
various articles about recent FOI issues around the state.
- Council members
discussed whom to nominate for Opee Awards. Nominations are needed by the
middle of February.
- The Council
talked about the Legislature’s refusal to release records of investigations
into sexual harassment complaints. Lueders said some victims might want the
complaints released so action is taken to address the problem.
- Website:
Foust presented a
draft version of the Council’s new website and has been working at migrating
the content from the old website’s Joomla content management system to the new
WordPress content management system. Tentative plans for rolling out the new
site were discussed. Anderson will work with lawyers to update the listing of
cases, AG opinions and lawyer Q&A items.
- Your
Right to Know column: Foust will write
a column for February about Lueders’ recent court victory in the lawsuit
against Rep. Krug over access to emails in electronic format. Pitsch will write
a column for March.
- Other
business: The next meeting
will be Wednesday, April 11, 2 p.m.
- 11. Adjourn: The Council adjourned at 3:47 p.m.