Oct. 11, 2012

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council Oct. 11, 2012 meetingCapital Newspapers Auditorium 1) The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. In attendance were Dee Hall, Christa Westerberg, BillLueders, Bob Drechsel, Mark Pitsch, Roger Schneider, John Dye, Doug Wojcik, Dave Zweifel, Tom Bier,Anita Weier, Andy Hall, Bob Dreps, Steve Lovejoy, Michelle Vetterkind and guests Orville […]

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July 12, 2012

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council July 12, 2012Capital Newspapers Auditorium 1) Call to order. Meeting was called to order at 2:06 p.m. In attendance were Dee Hall, AndyHall, Mary Callen, Bob Dreps, Gina Duwe, Sean Dwyer, Tom Bier, Michelle Vetterkind, MarkPitsch, Michael Buelow, Chris Hardie, Roger Schneider, Dave Zweifel, George Stanley, BobDrechsel, Steve Lovejoy, Christa […]

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April 19, 2012

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council Minutes of the April 19, 2012 meetingCapital Newspapers auditorium 1) The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. In attendance were Dee Hall, MarkPitsch, Beth Bennett, Bob Dreps, Chris Hardie, Michael Buelow, Doug Wojcik, Dave Zweifel,Bob Drechsel, Bill Lueders, Christa Westerberg, Andy Hall, Steve Lovejoy and Gina Duwe andguests […]

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Jan. 19, 2012

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council Minutes of the Jan. 19, 2012 meetingCapital Newspapers auditorium 1) The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. Attending were Dee Hall, Bob Dreps, RogerSchneider, Tom Bier, Perry Boxx, Michael Buelow, Anita Weier, Steve Lovejoy, Doug Wojcik,Dave Zweifel, Bob Drechsel, Mark Pitsch, Andy Hall, Bill Lueders, Gina Duwe, ChristaWesterberg […]

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Opee Award nominees sought

The Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, a nonprofit group that works to protect public access to meetings and records, is inviting nominations for its 2012-13 Opee awards, recognizing achievements high and low. The awards can recognize actions from February 2012 through to the present day. The awards will be announced in March as part of the […]

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Photographers’ rights workshop

From the ACLU of Wisconsin site, a photographers’ rights workshop to be held October 16, 2012, at the UW Law School in Madison, featuring presenters Christa Westerberg, vice-president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, and Michael P. King, a staff photojournalist at the Wisconsin State Journal.

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AG updates open records guide

From the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism site, titled “AG updates open records guide”, Bill Lueders explains the most important changes in the Attorney General’s open records compliance guide, most notably that records custodians may not charge for the cost of the redaction of sensitive information.

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September: Lawmakers exploit loophole to hide ALEC ties

Wisconsin state legislators are routinely deleting emails concerning their involvement with the controversial American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), exploiting a loophole that exempts the Legislature from records retention rules that apply to all other state and local government officials. For more than a year, we at the Center for Media and Democracy, a nonpartisan watchdog […]

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Municipalities Cannot Recover Costs of Redacting Public Records

From the League of Wisconsin Municipalities site, titled “Municipalities Cannot Recover Costs of Redacting Public Records”: Wisconsin’s municipalities may find they are in a difficult place when it comes to complying with Wisconsin’s public records law. The law requires municipalities to produce any records responsive to a request that can be disclosed while redacting from those same […]

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Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council statement on today’s ruling in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel v. City of Milwaukee

For immediate release  Contact: Bill Lueders, (608) 669-4712 The Wisconsin Supreme Court has rendered an important decision, affirming that the state’s open records law means what it says when it limits public officials to charging records requesters for just the “actual, necessary and direct cost” of making copies and in some cases locating and sending […]

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Supreme Court decides against redaction charges

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:  “The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Wednesday against the city of Milwaukee and for the Journal Sentinel in a dispute over whether a government body can charge for employees to delete information deemed confidential from public records. By unanimous vote, the high court reversed a Milwaukee County judge’s ruling.”

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July 14, 2011

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council Minutes of the July 14, 2011 meetingCapital Newspapers auditorium 1) Meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. Present were Bill Lueders, Christa Westerberg, DeeHall, Michelle Vetterkind, Beth Bennett, Bob Drechsel, Bob Dreps, Steve Lovejoy, Andy Hall, RogerSchneider, Mike Buelow, Gina Duwe, John Foust, Anita Weier, Mary Callen. 2) Approval […]

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Roster of speakers announced for 2012 FOI Summit in Madison, WI

March 23, 2012 Contact:Kenneth Bunting, NFOIC executive director, (573) 882-3075, buntingk@missouri.eduBill Lueders, WFOIC president, (608) 669-4712, blueders@wisconsinwatch.org COLUMBIA, MO — Gene Policinski, senior vice president and executive director of the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University, has been chosen to deliver the keynote address at the 2012 FOI Summit May 11 and 12 in Madison, […]

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